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What is an Emergency?

What Constitutes an Emergency?

An emergency is defined as: Anything relating to the property under the lease that is threatening to life, health or the integrity of the property. Capital Realty Group Florida accepts the following as examples of a maintenance emergency:

  • Electrical - Arcing, Fire Smoke, No Power or Over-heated fixtures
    If there is no electricity then please do the following:
    1. Contact your electric company to find out if you are or are not at fault
    2. Check all the circuit breakers by flipping them ALL hard to the OFF position and then back on. Make sure to reset all GFI circuits in the house
    3. Partial outages do not represent an emergency!
    4. If a wall switch or outlet begins to smoke or smell, remove all plugs and turn off the switch! If necessary contact your local fire department
  • Fire - Call the Fire Department immediately followed by an emergency call to your Property Manager!
  • Broken AC - Only if health risks are involved as documented by a physician
  • Broken Heater - Only if outside temperatures are falling below 40 degrees
  • Broken Doorknob, Lock or Window - Only if it prevents you from properly securing your home. If temporary measures can be taken until business hours, then wait until regular business hours before contacting your Property Manager
  • Heavy Structural Damage - To the Roof, Foundation or Walls
  • No Hot Water - Only if there is absolutely no hot water and it is during business hours, Monday thru Friday. If there is no hot water at any other time then please use temporary measures
  • Plumbing Issue - If there is a broken pipe then please turn off the water valve to the pipe or the exterior water main until it can be repaired or replaced
  • Theft - Notify the police department immediately and report details to your Property Manager the following business day

Non-Emergencies / Routine Maintenance

The following are non-emergencies: refrigerator not cooling, locked out of the house, air conditioning not working, oven not working or any insect sightings. Capital Realty Group Florida is not responsible for loss of food or for alternative lodging due to any of the above.

All routine maintenance requests must be put in writing per your lease agreement!

Click Here to Complete our Online Maintenance Request Form